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Monday, January 3, 2011


If I were to educate people on the wetland biome, I would inform them of these 5 things:
1. Wetlands are vital to biodiversity. 43% of federally listed species rely directly or indirectly on wetlands for survival.
2. Wetlands help naturally control flooding by storing and slowly releasing water and by impeding the stream flow of flood water.
3. They produce huge amounts of food for humans and other organisms. Fish and rice are two main food sources provided by wetlands for humans.
4. Wetlands are a main depository for water. One acre of wetlands can contain 1 million to 1.5 million gallons of water.
5. Wetlands can produce different kinds of medicines from the plants and hydric soil of the environment.

These statements would prove how important the wetlands are to our environment, and hopefully persuade people to become involved in the preservation of  our environment.

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